What’s available at the market this week?
Come shop for mother’s day gifts. You won’t want to miss some great options… here’s the lineup:
Specialty Foods and Finds:
Fresh eggs, pecan oil, PORK, cheese, local honey, homemade jams & jellies, sour cream poundcakes, zucchini bread, a variety of cookies, granola, cinnamon rolls, edible plants, ceramics, jewelry, flower arrangements, fresh cut flowers, & a variety of NATIVE plants.
Local Spring Produce:
Kale, leeks, loquats, beets, BLUEBERRIES, celery, melons, corn, vidalia onions, bunching onions, dill, parsley, spinach, multiple varieties of greens, broccoli, garlic, cabbage, lettuce, pole beans, heirloom rattlesnake pole beans, bell peppers, cucumbers, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yellow squash, pole beans, sweet green onions, carrots & more.
There will also be organically grown heirloom rattlesnake pole beans, snow peas, red cabbage, oak leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, curly kale and red Russian kale, collards, garlic, zucchini squash, swiss chard, parsley, mint, spring onions, basil, oregano, thyme, & dill!!!
Artisan Crafts:
Handcrafted wooden bowls & whistles, bird houses, carpenter bee traps, handcrafted knives, large variety of ceramics, “Sew Happy Embroidery”, & more!